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Port Grimaud

Exploring Port Grimaud and Saint-Tropez

Sunday, January 4, 2009 - Cycling

We took our Bianchis out for a spin. Our plan was to cycle from Le Lavandou to Saint-Tropez and back. This ride took us through Rayol-Canadel-sur-Mer (starting point of the climb to Col du Canadel - see Col hunting at le Var), Cavaliaire-sur-Mer, La Croix-Valmer, Port Grimaud and Saint-Tropez on marked cycling paths. Except for the stretch between Cavalière and Cavalaire-sur-Mer, the cycling lanes were on paved roads.

Because my rear tire suffered a puncture, we had to cut short our visit to Saint-Tropez. No worries as we returned a few days later for a delicious lunch with MaPa.


Sentier du Littoral

Exploring Sentier du Littoral - Cap Bénat

Monday, January 5, 2009 - Hiking

Today, we happily lent MaPa our Bianchis and continued our exploration of the Sentier du Littoral. Heading southwest, we wandered in the direction of Cap Bénat and Le Fort de Bregançon, the official holiday residence of French presidents since 1968. Nicolas Sarkozy now spends his time at Cap Nègre (see link)

We hiked along the narrow trail passing several multi-million euro villas. We turned inland at Port du Pradet, where this coastal trail took to the streets. Instead of returning the same way we came, we opted for the well-maintained roads of this privileged gated community. Clearly, our casual clothes stood out like sore thumbs and we were "asked" to return to the trail by a gate-keeper. grin


- Katy, 4/4/2009



Last updated: April 21, 2009

Geneva Area Le Var
Last updated: April 21, 2009


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